This Chaotic Little Thing Called Life

Firstly, Happy International Women's Day! What would the world be without women? Nothing! Because every human ever has been birthed to this planet by a woman. Hurray!

Spring has arrived to Istanbul and waking up to the sun makes me incredibly happy. I saw a video yesterday, which said that we, humans, need at least 10 minutes of direct sunlight to keep our happiness levels up. I guess it might be true. At least I know that the weather has a direct influence on me. No sun, no waking up for me.

I can't describe how much I love our life here in Istanbul. It's my home. I know my way around the city, I know the language and I have my favorite breakfast places. The cashier in the market and the guy at this little corner shop I buy milk from, they know me. This huge chaotic city feels like a bee nest, and I'm a part of it. I love the weather, the sun, the palm trees, and the people. 2 years have passed since I moved here, and every day I learn something new.

I am also aware that I might feel like this in another place in the world as well. I feel like I have this little gypsy spirit in me. Not really ''belonging'' to any specific place, but capable of adapting and accepting and taking what the road has given her. And melting herself into the land and culture, and making a home within herself.

I have been working on myself to be more social recently. I am definitely not an introvert, nor am I complete extrovert. Some days I close myself up completely. I value my own happiness and space, and when I feel I need some space for myself, I will take it. The other days I feel so talkative, no one can shut me up. But most of all I love deep conversations. I love to learn about people and get to know the roots of their views and thoughts and hear their stories.

What else is happening, is that today is International Woman's Day! 
The second things is that exactly TODAY 3 months later is Our Wedding Day!!

Here are some pictures of this chaotic little thing called life.

First things first - our ice cream Women's Day celebration, which turned into even more wonderful lunch break because the restaurant's staff gifted us beautiful strawberry plants!

My adorable hottie work wife at our usual 16.00 spot

And the time she got married and we went to celebrate

But a good party needs good clothes, yes?

The hilarious moment when the charming man with his delicious bread sits in a crowded bus, ready for more celebrations

 Some stir-fried sweet potato is always a good idea!

When my dad and sweet Kirsti came to Istanbul

 And Nicolai came from Austria

 And he is going to be our wedding ceremony master!
Can't hide, won't hide the Love
 When office get's boring we go downstairs for a coffee

And when we go to Cuban music kinda date, it's another opportunity to change my green cow T-shirt into something more representable

And then friends from our Erasmus times pay us a visit and fly in from Germany and Ireland

And sometimes we just take a break from work to pet the cats 

And then when my Pakistani friends form Aiesec times organize their honeymoon in Turkey

And sometimes the boring traffic requires to take a selious selfie session

 And when I discovered my colleague is secretly a jewelry designer

With all the happy wishes,