Moving to a new home + more that makes me happy this spring!

The winter is over and I find myself just like crawling out from my dark and sleepy winter-cave.
Is it just me whose mood is directly connected with the weather?

I've been a little unmotivated and my heart has been restless at times, but the clouds are finally clearing out. I've found a great daily routine that works well for me and my happiness levels. Ohhlalala, I love spring!

Exciting things that make my day happy!

1. Going to the gym in lunch break time
This has been the biggest mood-lifter! I didn't know how much an afternoon quick workout can increase your energy and happiness levels. Luckily, we have a gym next to our office, so it's easy to go in for a 40 min workout during the lunch hour.

2. We got an ukulele! Who would've known that this little instrument can bring so much joy! I learned to play few basic songs and the feeling of accomplishing something is amazing!

3. We are moving to a NEW HOME in Istanbul! I'm so exciteeed! Okay, here's the story. On a Saturday morning we decided that okay, let's see few apartments just to see what's out there. At the end of the day, we had our new home picked out! It's a lovely 2 bedroom apartment on a 13th floor of the building with an adorable view to the city. Bright living room with big windows, 25 min walk to the seaside, but the best thing (and the reason of why we immediately took it) - it has a rooftop terrace, great place to invite friends over for making BBQ or sunbathing! 
We are moving in already in 2 weeks! What exciting times! Life is an adventure, if you make it to be one!

4. Being real-life friends with colleagues
We have developed a cozy friend group at our office. Which leads to my next point...

5. ... Going on a beach holiday to Fethiye with an awesome group of 10 colleagues!
Can't wait!

6. New coffee machine = great lattes from home! We recently purchased a new coffee machine from the brand DeLonghi. It has a very reasonable price compared with the awesome quality of coffee. I'm caffeine-high!

7. Going to Estonia for a week to visit friends & family in 2 weeks! (Shoutout to Kaisa, who's baby will be here very soon and I'll arrive just in time to welcome the new little world citizen!)

8. Winter coats go back to wardrobe,  let's bring out the dresses!

Spring has arrived,
Trees are blossoming,
Sunshine is everywhere,
And I'm motivated as ever!

Have a beautiful day!